4 Principles to help you have it M.A.D.E

You've probably heard of the 80-20 rule. There are a fair amount of 80-20 rules out there. The Pareto principle 80-20 rule states you should recognize that 80% of our results are produced by 20% of our efforts. This isn't hard and set, but this principle (used widely in the corporate business and production world) is to know where to put your time, effort, energy, and resources into getting the be...

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The Chiropractic Pendulum

The chiropractic profession is seeing a unique and rapidly growing shift, or it seems so from the inside looking out.  We, as DC’s, have more access than ever to quality research, best care practices, and high- quality, ethical practice growing resources.  We have quality resources in the areas of patient customer relation management (CRM's), research reviews, social media, case management and pre...

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Varus and Valgus Insole Posting: An Inexpensive and Effective Alternative to Orthotics


  • People with low arches are 20 times more likely to be injured than people with neutral arches, while people with high arches are nearly 80 times more likely to be injured.

  •  Although effective at controlling motion and reducing injury rates, recent research shows custom orthotics can produce rapid, significant reductions in arch muscle volume.

  •  Our new Peel and Stick Varus and Valgus P...
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What We Learned and are Grateful for in 2020

2020 was a year unlike any other. It was historical for many not so good reasons. However, I do feel like 2020 gave us many things...especially for those who looked for the good.

I know that 2020 has been a rough year and has been difficult for many, so first and foremost I want to acknowledge how difficult the year was for many and give my condolences to anyone who lost a family member or anyone...

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Effective Treatment Plans

For those of you reading this article who have also taken classes with me know that I am somewhat obsessed with treatment plans. I feel this is one of the keys to practice success, clinically and financially. Why is it relevant clinically and financially? Over treat your patients, and you earn that reputation in your community, so patients do not refer others. Under treat and your patients do not ...

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Using Tension to Communicate?

As a modern, informed, intelligent DC, do you find it hard to communicate with patients and not choke on your own dumb-downed words?  Maybe, you catch yourself talking about a patient’s condition in your language and then notice the thousand-yard stare you created with all those big words?  Communicating with patients is a skillset all onto itself.  For decades, the almighty REPORT OF FINDINGS (RO...

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MPI Online Courses

It is no secret the COVID19 Pandemic has impacted all of our lives to some extent. Your practice may be closed, half-filled, or a student who can’t get your hands-on patients during your school’s shutdown. With this shutdown, MPI has had to cancel our live workshops until we get clearance from the various state governors that their state is open for group gatherings again.

However, this crisis is...

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Treating Low Back Pain Through the Hip

As DC's, treating low back pain is our staple. Obviously, we treat much more than low back pain, but many people come to us for this complaint. A recent JAMA study found that low back and neck pain had the highest amount of health care spending, with an estimated $134.5 billion. The second leading cost was other musculoskeletal disorders, followed by diabetes.(1) Interestingly enough, another JAMA...

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